- strcmpi( ) function in C is same as strcmp() function. But, strcmpi( ) function is not case sensitive. i.e, “A” and “a” are treated as same characters. Where as, strcmp() function treats “A” and “a” as different characters.
- strcmpi() function is non standard function which may not available in standard library in C.
- Both functions compare two given strings and returns zero if they are same.
- If length of string1 < string2, it returns < 0 value. If length of string1 > string2, it returns > 0 value. Syntax for strcmp( ) function is given below.
int strcmpi ( const char * str1, const char * str2 );
Example program for strcmpi( ) function in C:
- In this program, strings “fresh” and “refresh” are compared. 0 is returned when strings are equal. Negative value is returned when str1 < str2 and positive value is returned when str1 > str2.
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main( ) { char str1[ ] = "fresh" ; char str2[ ] = "refresh" ; int i, j, k ; i = strcmpi ( str1, "FRESH" ) ; j = strcmpi ( str1, str2 ) ; k = strcmpi ( str1, "f" ) ; printf ( "\n%d %d %d", i, j, k ) ; return 0; }
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